const projects = [ { title: 'TWHelp', description: 'Various tools for the browser-based game Tribal Wars.', technologies: [ 'GraphQL', 'Golang', 'gqlgen', 'Gin', 'bwmarrin/discordgo', 'robfig/cron', 'Redis', 'PostgreSQL', 'TypeScript', 'React', 'Gatsby', 'Material-UI', 'Create React App', 'Apollo', 'Parcel', 'Docker', 'Traefik', ], git: '', fluid: 'projects/twhelp.png', }, { title: 'Zdam Egzamin Zawodowy', description: 'Mobile & web app for practising the theoretical part of the vocational exam.', technologies: [ 'GraphQL', 'Golang', 'gqlgen', 'go-chi', 'PostgreSQL', 'TypeScript', 'React', 'React Native', 'Next.JS', 'Create React App', 'Material-UI', 'Apollo', 'Traefik', ], fluid: 'projects/zdam.png', live: '', git: '', }, { title: '', description: '', technologies: ['React', 'Gatsby', 'Material-UI'], git: '', live: '', fluid: 'projects/dw.png', }, { title: 'Freshline', description: '', technologies: ['Wordpress', 'CSS', 'Bootstrap'], live: '', fluid: 'projects/freshline.png', }, ]; export default projects;