package internal import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type userResource struct { client woodpecker.Client } var _ resource.Resource = (*userResource)(nil) var _ resource.ResourceWithConfigure = (*userResource)(nil) var _ resource.ResourceWithImportState = (*userResource)(nil) func newUserResource() resource.Resource { return &userResource{} } func (r *userResource) Metadata(_ context.Context, req resource.MetadataRequest, resp *resource.MetadataResponse) { resp.TypeName = req.ProviderTypeName + "_user" } func (r *userResource) Schema(_ context.Context, _ resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) { resp.Schema = schema.Schema{ MarkdownDescription: `Provides a user resource. This resource allows you to add/remove users. When applied, a new user will be created. When destroyed, that user will be removed.`, Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ "id": schema.Int64Attribute{ Computed: true, Description: "the user's id", }, "login": schema.StringAttribute{ Required: true, Description: "the name of the user", PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{ stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplace(), }, }, "email": schema.StringAttribute{ Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "the email of the user", }, "avatar": schema.StringAttribute{ Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "the user's avatar URL", }, "active": schema.BoolAttribute{ Computed: true, Description: "whether user is active in the system", }, "admin": schema.BoolAttribute{ Optional: true, Computed: true, Description: "whether user is an admin", }, }, } } func (r *userResource) Configure(_ context.Context, req resource.ConfigureRequest, resp *resource.ConfigureResponse) { // Prevent panic if the provider has not been configured. if req.ProviderData == nil { return } client, ok := req.ProviderData.(woodpecker.Client) if !ok { resp.Diagnostics.AddError( "Unexpected Data Source Configure Type", fmt.Sprintf("Expected woodpecker.Client, got: %T. Please report this issue to the provider developers.", req.ProviderData), ) return } r.client = client } func (r *userResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) { var data userModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Config.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } user, err := r.client.UserPost(data.toWoodpeckerModel()) if err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Couldn't create user", err.Error()) return } data.setValues(user) resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...) } func (r *userResource) Read(ctx context.Context, req resource.ReadRequest, resp *resource.ReadResponse) { var data userModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } user, err := r.client.User(data.Login.ValueString()) if err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Couldn't get user", err.Error()) } data.setValues(user) resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...) } func (r *userResource) Update(ctx context.Context, req resource.UpdateRequest, resp *resource.UpdateResponse) { var data userModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } user, err := r.client.UserPatch(data.toWoodpeckerModel()) if err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Couldn't update user", err.Error()) return } data.setValues(user) resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...) } func (r *userResource) Delete(ctx context.Context, req resource.DeleteRequest, resp *resource.DeleteResponse) { var data userModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } if err := r.client.UserDel(data.Login.ValueString()); err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Couldn't delete user", err.Error()) return } } func (r *userResource) ImportState(ctx context.Context, req resource.ImportStateRequest, resp *resource.ImportStateResponse) { resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.SetAttribute(ctx, path.Root("login"), req.ID)...) }