package httpdelivery import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( endpointMain = "/graphql" endpointPlayground = "/" playgroundTTL = time.Hour / time.Second ) type Config struct { RouterGroup *gin.RouterGroup Resolver *resolvers.Resolver } func Attach(cfg Config) error { if cfg.Resolver == nil { return fmt.Errorf("Graphql resolver cannot be nil") } gqlHandler := graphqlHandler(prepareConfig(cfg.Resolver)) cfg.RouterGroup.GET(endpointMain, gqlHandler) cfg.RouterGroup.POST(endpointMain, gqlHandler) cfg.RouterGroup.GET(endpointPlayground, playgroundHandler()) return nil } // Defining the GraphQL handler func graphqlHandler(cfg generated.Config) gin.HandlerFunc { srv := handler.New(generated.NewExecutableSchema(cfg)) srv.AddTransport(transport.GET{}) srv.AddTransport(transport.POST{}) srv.AddTransport(transport.MultipartForm{}) srv.Use(extension.Introspection{}) srv.Use(extension.AutomaticPersistedQuery{ Cache: lru.New(100), }) srv.SetQueryCache(lru.New(1000)) srv.Use(&extension.ComplexityLimit{ Func: func(ctx context.Context, rc *graphql.OperationContext) int { if middleware.CanExceedLimit(ctx) { return 500000 } return 1000 }, }) return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Header("Cache-Control", "no-store, must-revalidate") srv.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request) } } // Defining the Playground handler func playgroundHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { h := playground.Handler("Playground", endpointMain) return func(c *gin.Context) { c.Header("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf(`public, max-age=%d`, playgroundTTL)) h.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request) } } func prepareConfig(r *resolvers.Resolver) generated.Config { return generated.Config{ Resolvers: r, Complexity: getComplexityRoot(), } } func getComplexityRoot() generated.ComplexityRoot { complexityRoot := generated.ComplexityRoot{} complexityRoot.Player.NameChanges = func(childComplexity int) int { return 50 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.DailyPlayerStats = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.DailyPlayerStatsFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 300 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.DailyTribeStats = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.DailyTribeStatsFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 300 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Ennoblements = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.EnnoblementFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 300 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.PlayerHistory = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.PlayerHistoryFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 150 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.TribeHistory = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.TribeHistoryFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 100 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.TribeChanges = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.TribeChangeFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 300 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.SearchPlayer = func( childComplexity int, version string, name *string, id *int, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 400 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.SearchTribe = func( childComplexity int, version string, query string, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 400 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Players = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.PlayerFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 150 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Tribes = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.TribeFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 100 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Villages = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.VillageFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 300 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.ServerStats = func( childComplexity int, server string, filter *models.ServerStatsFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 100 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Server = func(childComplexity int, key string) int { return 50 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Servers = func( childComplexity int, filter *models.ServerFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 250 + childComplexity } complexityRoot.Query.Versions = func( childComplexity int, filter *models.VersionFilter, limit *int, offset *int, sort []string, ) int { return 100 + childComplexity } return complexityRoot }