package adapter import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" ) type VillageBunRepository struct { db bun.IDB } func NewVillageBunRepository(db bun.IDB) *VillageBunRepository { return &VillageBunRepository{db: db} } func (repo *VillageBunRepository) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, params ...domain.CreateVillageParams) error { if len(params) == 0 { return nil } now := time.Now() villages := make(bunmodel.Villages, 0, len(params)) for _, p := range params { base := p.Base() villages = append(villages, bunmodel.Village{ ID: base.ID(), ServerKey: p.ServerKey(), Name: base.Name(), Points: base.Points(), X: base.X(), Y: base.Y(), Continent: base.Continent(), Bonus: base.Bonus(), PlayerID: base.PlayerID(), ProfileURL: base.ProfileURL().String(), CreatedAt: now, }) } q := repo.db.NewInsert(). Model(&villages) //nolint:exhaustive switch q.Dialect().Name() { case dialect.PG: q = q.On("CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT villages_pkey DO UPDATE") case dialect.SQLite: q = q.On("CONFLICT(id, server_key) DO UPDATE") default: q = q.Err(errors.New("unsupported dialect")) } if _, err := q. Set("name ="). Set("points = EXCLUDED.points"). Set("x = EXCLUDED.x"). Set("y = EXCLUDED.y"). Set("continent = EXCLUDED.continent"). Set("bonus = EXCLUDED.bonus"). Set("player_id = EXCLUDED.player_id"). Set("profile_url = EXCLUDED.profile_url"). Returning(""). Exec(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("something went wrong while inserting villages into the db: %w", err) } return nil } func (repo *VillageBunRepository) List(ctx context.Context, params domain.ListVillagesParams) (domain.Villages, error) { var villages bunmodel.Villages if err := repo.db.NewSelect(). Model(&villages). Apply(listVillagesParamsApplier{params: params}.apply). Scan(ctx); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't select villages from the db: %w", err) } return villages.ToDomain() } func (repo *VillageBunRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, serverKey string, ids error { if len(ids) == 0 { return nil } if _, err := repo.db.NewDelete(). Model((*bunmodel.Village)(nil)). Where("id IN (?)", bun.In(ids)). Where("server_key = ?", serverKey). Returning(""). Exec(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("couldn't delete villages: %w", err) } return nil } type listVillagesParamsApplier struct { params domain.ListVillagesParams } //nolint:gocyclo func (a listVillagesParamsApplier) apply(q *bun.SelectQuery) *bun.SelectQuery { if ids := a.params.IDs(); len(ids) > 0 { q = q.Where(" IN (?)", bun.In(ids)) } if idGT := a.params.IDGT(); idGT.Valid { q = q.Where(" > ?", idGT.Value) } if serverKeys := a.params.ServerKeys(); len(serverKeys) > 0 { q = q.Where("village.server_key IN (?)", bun.In(serverKeys)) } for _, s := range a.params.Sort() { switch s { case domain.VillageSortIDASC: q = q.Order(" ASC") case domain.VillageSortIDDESC: q = q.Order(" DESC") case domain.VillageSortServerKeyASC: q = q.Order("village.server_key ASC") case domain.VillageSortServerKeyDESC: q = q.Order("village.server_key DESC") default: return q.Err(errors.New("unsupported sort value")) } } return q.Limit(a.params.Limit()).Offset(a.params.Offset()) }