package tasks import ( "context" "" "" "time" "" ) type taskUpdateHistory struct { *task } func (t *taskUpdateHistory) execute(timezone string) error { entry := log.WithField("timezone", timezone) location, err := t.loadLocation(timezone) if err != nil { err = errors.Wrap(err, "taskUpdateHistory.execute") entry.Error(err) return err } year, month, day := time.Now().In(location).Date() date := time.Date(year, month, day, 1, 30, 0, 0, location) var servers []*twmodel.Server err = t.db. Model(&servers). Where( "status = ? AND (history_updated_at IS NULL OR history_updated_at < ?) AND timezone = ?", twmodel.ServerStatusOpen, date, timezone, ). Relation("Version"). Select() if err != nil { err = errors.Wrap(err, "taskUpdateHistory.execute") entry.Errorln(err) return err } entry. WithField("numberOfServers", len(servers)). Info("taskUpdateHistory.execute: Update of the history has started") for _, server := range servers { s := server err := t.queue.Add(queue.MainQueue, Get(TaskUpdateServerHistory).WithArgs(context.Background(), timezone, s)) if err != nil { log.Warn( errors.Wrapf( err, "taskUpdateHistory.execute: %s: Couldn't add the task '%s' for this server", server.Key, TaskUpdateServerHistory, ), ) } } return nil }