# tribalwarshelp.com DC Bot A Discord bot for the online game Tribal Wars. Features: 1. Coords translation ![Screenshot](/screenshots/coordstranslation.png?raw=true) 2. Live conquer notifications ![Screenshot](/screenshots/notifications2.png?raw=true) 3. List of tribe members ordered by OD/ODA/ODD/ODS/points 4. Translated into 4 languages: Polish, Czech, English, Dutch [You can check all available commands here.](https://dcbot.tribalwarshelp.com/commands/) ## Development ### Prerequisites 1. Golang 2. PostgreSQL database 3. Configured [API](https://github.com/tribalwarshelp/api) ### Installation **Required ENV variables:** ``` DB_USER=your_pgdb_user DB_NAME=your_pgdb_name DB_PORT=your_pgdb_port DB_HOST=your_pgdb_host DB_PASSWORD=your_pgdb_password API_URL=your_api_url BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token LOG_DB_QUERIES=true ``` 1. Clone this repo. ``` git clone git@github.com:tribalwarshelp/dcbot.git ``` 2. Navigate to the directory where you have cloned this repo. 3. Set the required env variables directly in your system or create .env.local file. 4. Run the app. ``` go run main.go ``` ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See ``LICENSE`` for more information. ## Contact Dawid WysokiƄski - [contact@dwysokinski.me](mailto:contact@dwysokinski.me)