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# dcbot
A minimalist Discord bot that sends notifications of gained/lost villages.
## Getting started
### Development
#### Setting up the environment
1. **Go** (>= 1.19)
2. **Node.js** (LTS, needed for commitlint)
3. **Kubernetes** (>= 1.25.0)
1. **minikube**
2. **Docker Desktop**
4. **Docker CLI**
5. **Skaffold**
6. **pre-commit**
7. **IDE/Code editor** (e.g. Goland, VSCode, vim, neovim)
8. **API** from [core](https://gitea.dwysokinski.me/twhelp/core)
9. [**Bot token**](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#bots)
8. **direnv** (optional, but recommended)
# if you have direnv installed
direnv allow
# install git hooks and required tools
make install
# copy secret.example.yml
cp ./k8s/overlays/dev/secret.example.yml ./k8s/overlays/dev/secret.yml
# encode a bot token
echo -n 'token' | base64
# add the encoded token to secret.yml
vim ./k8s/overlays/dev/secret.yml
# run all required services
skaffold run --port-forward=true --tail=true
# stop all of them
skaffold delete
#### Running unit tests
At least one of the following is required to run unit tests:
- Docker ([dockertest](https://github.com/ory/dockertest) will spin up a database)
- Postgres database
# Docker
go test -v ./...
# Postgres database
TESTS_DB_DSN=postgres://dcbot:dcbot_pass@ go test -v ./...
#### Creating a new database migration
# create a migration
go run ./cmd/dcbot/main.go db create go migration 1
## Configuration options
Configuration options can be specified via environment variables.
2022-12-20 08:48:02 +00:00
| Env variable | Default | Description |
| ``APP_MODE`` | ``development`` | Whether to use development or production settings |
| ``DB_DSN`` | | **Required.** Only Postgres is supported. Example: ``postgres://user:password@host:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable`` (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING) |
| ``DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNECTIONS`` | ``5`` | Maximum number of open connections to the database (https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#DB.SetMaxOpenConns) |
| ``DB_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS`` | ``2`` | Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool (https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#DB.SetMaxIdleConns) |
| ``DB_CONNECTION_MAX_LIFETIME`` | ``3m`` | Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused (https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#DB.SetConnMaxLifetime) |
| ``TWHELP_URL`` | | **Required.** API URL (e.g. https://tribalwarshelp.com) |
| ``TWHELP_TIMEOUT`` | ``10s`` | Time limit for requests to TWHelp |
| ``BOT_TOKEN`` | | **Required.** https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#bots |
| ``BOT_MAX_GROUPS_PER_SERVER`` | ``10`` | Max number of groups per server |
| ``BOT_MAX_MONITORS_PER_GROUP`` | ``10`` | Max number of monitors per group |
## License
Distributed under the MIT License. See ``LICENSE`` for more information.
## Contact
Dawid Wysokiński - [contact@dwysokinski.me](mailto:contact@dwysokinski.me)