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package generator
import (
const (
defaultBackgroundColor = "#000"
defaultGridLineColor = "#fff"
defaultContinentNumberColor = "#fff"
defaultMapSize = 1000
defaultQuality = 80
type Marker struct {
Larger bool
Villages []*models.Village `json:"villages" gqlgen:"villages" xml:"villages"`
// Color in HEX format
Color string `json:"color" gqlgen:"color" xml:"color"`
type Config struct {
Markers []*Marker
Destination io.Writer
// Default 1000x1000
MapSize int
ContinentGrid bool
ContinentNumbers bool
// BackgroundColor in HEX format
BackgroundColor string
// GridLineColor in HEX format
GridLineColor string
// ContinentNumberColor in HEX format
ContinentNumberColor string
Scale float32
CenterX int
CenterY int
// Quality of image (1-100)
Quality int
func (cfg *Config) init() {
if cfg.BackgroundColor == "" {
cfg.BackgroundColor = defaultBackgroundColor
if cfg.GridLineColor == "" {
cfg.GridLineColor = defaultGridLineColor
if cfg.ContinentNumberColor == "" {
cfg.ContinentNumberColor = defaultContinentNumberColor
if cfg.MapSize <= 0 {
cfg.MapSize = defaultMapSize
if cfg.Quality <= 0 || cfg.Quality > 100 {
cfg.Quality = defaultQuality
if cfg.Scale < 1 {
cfg.Scale = 1
if cfg.CenterX <= 0 {
cfg.CenterX = cfg.MapSize / 2
if cfg.CenterY <= 0 {
cfg.CenterY = cfg.MapSize / 2
cfg.CenterX = int(float32(cfg.CenterX) * cfg.Scale)
cfg.CenterY = int(float32(cfg.CenterY) * cfg.Scale)
func Generate(cfg Config) error {
upLeft := image.Point{0, 0}
lowRight := image.Point{cfg.MapSize, cfg.MapSize}
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rectangle{upLeft, lowRight})
mapSizeDividedBy10 := cfg.MapSize / 10
imgHalfWidth := cfg.MapSize / 2
imgHalfHeight := imgHalfWidth
if cfg.BackgroundColor != defaultBackgroundColor {
backgroundColor, err := parseHexColorFast(cfg.BackgroundColor)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "map-generator")
// Background.
for y := 0; y < cfg.MapSize; y++ {
for x := 0; x < cfg.MapSize; x++ {
img.Set(x, y, backgroundColor)
// Markers
for _, marker := range cfg.Markers {
m := marker
parsedColor, err := parseHexColorFast(m.Color)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, village := range m.Villages {
if m.Larger {
for y := 1; y <= 1; y++ {
for x := 1; x <= 1; x++ {
img.Set(village.X+x, village.Y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X-x, village.Y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X, village.Y+y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X, village.Y-y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X+x, village.Y-y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X-x, village.Y-y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X+x, village.Y+y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X-x, village.Y+y, parsedColor)
img.Set(village.X, village.Y, parsedColor)
if cfg.ContinentGrid {
gridLineColor, err := parseHexColorFast(cfg.GridLineColor)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "map-generator")
for y := mapSizeDividedBy10; y < cfg.MapSize; y += mapSizeDividedBy10 {
for x := 0; x < cfg.MapSize; x++ {
img.Set(x, y, gridLineColor)
img.Set(y, x, gridLineColor)
if cfg.ContinentNumbers {
continent := 0
continentNumberColor, err := parseHexColorFast(cfg.ContinentNumberColor)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "map-generator")
for y := mapSizeDividedBy10; y <= cfg.MapSize; y += mapSizeDividedBy10 {
for x := mapSizeDividedBy10; x <= cfg.MapSize; x += mapSizeDividedBy10 {
continentStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", continent)
if continent < 10 {
continentStr = fmt.Sprintf("0%d", continent)
drawText(img, x-16, y-3, continentNumberColor, continentStr)
var resizedImg image.Image = img
if cfg.Scale != 1 {
width := int(float32(cfg.MapSize) * cfg.Scale)
resizedImg = imaging.Resize(img, width, width, imaging.NearestNeighbor)
b := resizedImg.Bounds()
centered := image.NewRGBA(image.Rectangle{upLeft, lowRight})
draw.Draw(centered, b, resizedImg, image.Point{
X: cfg.CenterX - imgHalfWidth,
Y: cfg.CenterY - imgHalfHeight,
}, draw.Src)
if err := jpeg.Encode(cfg.Destination, centered, &jpeg.Options{
Quality: cfg.Quality,
}); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "map-generator")
return nil