# sessions A browser extension aiming to simplify coplaying in [Tribal Wars](https://www.tribalwars.net/en-dk/). Coplayers can finally play together via a browser! ## Getting started ### Installation 1. [Download the latest version.](https://gitea.dwysokinski.me/twhelp/-/packages/generic/sessions-ext/0.1.0) 2. Unzip files. 3. In your browser, go to the Extensions page by entering ``chrome://extensions`` in a new tab. 4. Enable developer mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode. 5. Click on Load Unpacked and select the extracted folder. ![img.png](docs/extension-successfully-installed.png) The extension has been successfully installed! ### Development #### Setting up the environment Prerequisites: 1. **Node.js** (LTS) 2. **Yarn** 3. **IDE/Code editor** (e.g. WebStorm, VSCode, vim, neovim) 4. **web-ext** (``yarn global add web-ext``) 5. **backend** (such as [this one](https://gitea.dwysokinski.me/twhelp/sessions)) 6. **Chromium-based browser** (e.g. Chromium, Vivaldi, Brave) ```shell # install dependencies yarn install # start a dev server yarn watch # launch a browser (e.g. Chromium) yarn run:chromium ``` ## FAQ 1. What data are sent to the backend? - Only sid (session identifier). Sid is [encrypted/decrypted on the client side](./src/crypto.ts). ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See ``LICENSE`` for more information. ## Contact Dawid WysokiƄski - [contact@dwysokinski.me](mailto:contact@dwysokinski.me)