import { __extends, __awaiter, __generator, __assign } from 'tslib'; import { normalize, isAbsolute, relative, dirname } from 'path'; import minimatch from 'minimatch'; import { cosmiconfig, cosmiconfigSync, defaultLoaders } from 'cosmiconfig'; import loadTs from '@endemolshinegroup/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader'; import { loadToml } from 'cosmiconfig-toml-loader'; import { env } from 'string-env-interpolation'; import { GraphQLFileLoader } from '@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader'; import { UrlLoader } from '@graphql-tools/url-loader'; import { JsonFileLoader } from '@graphql-tools/json-file-loader'; import { loadTypedefs, loadTypedefsSync, loadDocuments, loadDocumentsSync, loadSchema, OPERATION_KINDS, loadSchemaSync } from '@graphql-tools/load'; import { mergeTypeDefs } from '@graphql-tools/merge'; import { buildASTSchema, print } from 'graphql'; function ExtendableBuiltin(cls) { function ExtendableBuiltin() { cls.apply(this, arguments); } ExtendableBuiltin.prototype = Object.create(cls.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(ExtendableBuiltin, cls); return ExtendableBuiltin; } function composeMessage() { var lines = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { lines[_i] = arguments[_i]; } return lines.join('\n'); } var ConfigNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ConfigNotFoundError, _super); function ConfigNotFoundError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return ConfigNotFoundError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var ConfigEmptyError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ConfigEmptyError, _super); function ConfigEmptyError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return ConfigEmptyError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var ConfigInvalidError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ConfigInvalidError, _super); function ConfigInvalidError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return ConfigInvalidError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var ProjectNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ProjectNotFoundError, _super); function ProjectNotFoundError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return ProjectNotFoundError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var LoadersMissingError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(LoadersMissingError, _super); function LoadersMissingError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return LoadersMissingError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var LoaderNoResultError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(LoaderNoResultError, _super); function LoaderNoResultError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return LoaderNoResultError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var ExtensionMissingError = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ExtensionMissingError, _super); function ExtensionMissingError(message) { var _this =, message) || this; =; _this.message = message; return _this; } return ExtensionMissingError; }(ExtendableBuiltin(Error))); var legacySearchPlaces = [ '.graphqlconfig', '.graphqlconfig.json', '.graphqlconfig.yaml', '.graphqlconfig.yml', ]; function isLegacyConfig(filepath) { filepath = filepath.toLowerCase(); return legacySearchPlaces.some(function (name) { return filepath.endsWith(name); }); } function transformContent(content) { return env(content); } var createCustomLoader = function (loader) { return function (filepath, content) { return loader(filepath, transformContent(content)); }; }; function createCosmiConfig(moduleName, _a) { var legacy = _a.legacy; var options = prepareCosmiconfig(moduleName, { legacy: legacy, }); return cosmiconfig(moduleName, options); } function createCosmiConfigSync(moduleName, _a) { var legacy = _a.legacy; var options = prepareCosmiconfig(moduleName, { legacy: legacy, }); return cosmiconfigSync(moduleName, options); } function prepareCosmiconfig(moduleName, _a) { var legacy = _a.legacy; var loadYaml = createCustomLoader(defaultLoaders['.yaml']); var loadTomlCustom = createCustomLoader(loadToml); var loadJson = createCustomLoader(defaultLoaders['.json']); var searchPlaces = [ "#.config.ts", "#.config.js", '#.config.json', '#.config.yaml', '#.config.yml', '#.config.toml', '.#rc', '.#rc.ts', '.#rc.js', '.#rc.json', '.#rc.yml', '.#rc.yaml', '.#rc.toml', ]; if (legacy) { searchPlaces.push.apply(searchPlaces, legacySearchPlaces); } // We need to wrap loaders in order to access and transform file content (as string) // Cosmiconfig has transform option but at this point config is not a string but an object return { searchPlaces: (place) { return place.replace('#', moduleName); }), loaders: { '.ts': loadTs, '.js': defaultLoaders['.js'], '.json': loadJson, '.yaml': loadYaml, '.yml': loadYaml, '.toml': loadTomlCustom, noExt: loadYaml, }, }; } var cwd = typeof process !== 'undefined' ? process.cwd() : undefined; function findConfig(_a) { var _b = _a.rootDir, rootDir = _b === void 0 ? cwd : _b, _c = _a.legacy, legacy = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, configName = _a.configName; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var _d, _e; return __generator(this, function (_f) { switch (_f.label) { case 0: validate({ rootDir: rootDir }); _d = resolve; _e = { rootDir: rootDir }; return [4 /*yield*/, createCosmiConfig(configName, { legacy: legacy }).search(rootDir)]; case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _d.apply(void 0, [(_e.result = _f.sent(), _e)])]; } }); }); } function findConfigSync(_a) { var _b = _a.rootDir, rootDir = _b === void 0 ? cwd : _b, _c = _a.legacy, legacy = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, configName = _a.configName; validate({ rootDir: rootDir }); return resolve({ rootDir: rootDir, result: createCosmiConfigSync(configName, { legacy: legacy }).search(rootDir), }); } // function validate(_a) { var rootDir = _a.rootDir; if (!rootDir) { throw new Error("Defining a root directory is required"); } } function resolve(_a) { var result = _a.result, rootDir = _a.rootDir; if (!result) { throw new ConfigNotFoundError(composeMessage("GraphQL Config file is not available in the provided config directory: " + rootDir, "Please check the config directory.")); } if (result.isEmpty) { throw new ConfigEmptyError(composeMessage("GraphQL Config file is empty.", "Please check " + result.filepath)); } return { config: result.config, filepath: result.filepath, }; } function getConfig(_a) { var filepath = _a.filepath, configName = _a.configName, _b = _a.legacy, legacy = _b === void 0 ? true : _b; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var _c, _d; return __generator(this, function (_e) { switch (_e.label) { case 0: validate$1({ filepath: filepath }); _c = resolve$1; _d = {}; return [4 /*yield*/, createCosmiConfig(configName, { legacy: legacy }).load(filepath)]; case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _c.apply(void 0, [(_d.result = _e.sent(), _d.filepath = filepath, _d)])]; } }); }); } function getConfigSync(_a) { var filepath = _a.filepath, configName = _a.configName, _b = _a.legacy, legacy = _b === void 0 ? true : _b; validate$1({ filepath: filepath }); return resolve$1({ result: createCosmiConfigSync(configName, { legacy: legacy }).load(filepath), filepath: filepath, }); } // function resolve$1(_a) { var result = _a.result, filepath = _a.filepath; if (!result) { throw new ConfigNotFoundError(composeMessage("GraphQL Config file is not available: " + filepath, "Please check the config filepath.")); } if (result.isEmpty) { throw new ConfigEmptyError(composeMessage("GraphQL Config file is empty.", "Please check " + result.filepath)); } return { config: result.config, filepath: result.filepath, }; } function validate$1(_a) { var filepath = _a.filepath; if (!filepath) { throw new Error("Defining a file path is required"); } } function isMultipleProjectConfig(config) { return typeof config.projects === 'object'; } function isSingleProjectConfig(config) { return typeof config.schema !== 'undefined'; } function isLegacyProjectConfig(config) { return (typeof config.schemaPath !== 'undefined' || typeof config.includes !== 'undefined' || typeof config.excludes !== 'undefined'); } function useMiddleware(fns) { return function (input) { if (fns.length) { return fns.reduce(function (obj, cb) { return cb(obj); }, input); } return input; }; } var GraphQLProjectConfig = /** @class */ (function () { function GraphQLProjectConfig(_a) { var filepath = _a.filepath, name =, config = _a.config, extensionsRegistry = _a.extensionsRegistry; this.filepath = filepath; this.dirpath = dirname(filepath); = name; if (isLegacyProjectConfig(config)) { this.extensions = config.extensions || {}; this.schema = config.schemaPath; this.include = config.includes; this.exclude = config.excludes; this.isLegacy = true; } else { this.extensions = config.extensions || {}; this.schema = config.schema; this.documents = config.documents; this.include = config.include; this.exclude = config.exclude; this.isLegacy = false; } this._extensionsRegistry = extensionsRegistry; } GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.hasExtension = function (name) { return !!this.extensions[name]; }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.extension = function (name) { if (this.isLegacy) { var extension_1 = this.extensions[name]; if (!extension_1) { throw new ExtensionMissingError("Project " + + " is missing " + name + " extension"); } return extension_1; } var extension = this._extensionsRegistry.get(name); if (!extension) { throw new ExtensionMissingError("Project " + + " is missing " + name + " extension"); } return __assign(__assign({}, this.extensions[name]), { schema: this.schema, documents: this.documents, include: this.include, exclude: this.exclude }); }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.getSchema = function (out) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) { return [2 /*return*/, this.loadSchema(this.schema, out)]; }); }); }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.getSchemaSync = function (out) { return this.loadSchemaSync(this.schema, out); }; // Get Documents GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.getDocuments = function () { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) { if (!this.documents) { return [2 /*return*/, []]; } return [2 /*return*/, this.loadDocuments(this.documents)]; }); }); }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.getDocumentsSync = function () { if (!this.documents) { return []; } return this.loadDocumentsSync(this.documents); }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.loadSchema = function (pointer, out, options) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) { return [2 /*return*/, this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.schema.loadSchema(pointer, out, options)]; }); }); }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.loadSchemaSync = function (pointer, out, options) { return this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.schema.loadSchemaSync(pointer, out, options); }; // Load Documents GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.loadDocuments = function (pointer, options) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) { if (!pointer) { return [2 /*return*/, []]; } return [2 /*return*/, this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.documents.loadDocuments(pointer, options)]; }); }); }; GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.loadDocumentsSync = function (pointer, options) { if (!pointer) { return []; } return this._extensionsRegistry.loaders.documents.loadDocumentsSync(pointer, options); }; // Rest GraphQLProjectConfig.prototype.match = function (filepath) { var _this = this; var isSchemaOrDocument = [this.schema, this.documents].some(function (pointer) { return match(filepath, _this.dirpath, pointer); }); if (isSchemaOrDocument) { return true; } var isExcluded = this.exclude ? match(filepath, this.dirpath, this.exclude) : false; if (isExcluded) { return false; } var isIncluded = this.include ? match(filepath, this.dirpath, this.include) : false; if (isIncluded) { return true; } return false; }; return GraphQLProjectConfig; }()); // XXX: it works but uses nodejs - expose normalization of file and dir paths in config function match(filepath, dirpath, pointer) { if (!pointer) { return false; } if (Array.isArray(pointer)) { return pointer.some(function (p) { return match(filepath, dirpath, p); }); } if (typeof pointer === 'string') { var normalizedFilepath = normalize(isAbsolute(filepath) ? relative(dirpath, filepath) : filepath); return minimatch(normalizedFilepath, normalize(pointer), { dot: true }); } if (typeof pointer === 'object') { return match(filepath, dirpath, Object.keys(pointer)[0]); } return false; } var LoadersRegistry = /** @class */ (function () { function LoadersRegistry(_a) { var cwd = _a.cwd; this._loaders = []; this._middlewares = []; this.cwd = cwd; } LoadersRegistry.prototype.register = function (loader) { if (!this._loaders.some(function (l) { return l.loaderId() === loader.loaderId(); })) { this._loaders.push(loader); } }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.override = function (loaders) { this._loaders = loaders; }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.use = function (middleware) { this._middlewares.push(middleware); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.loadTypeDefs = function (pointer, options) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) { return [2 /*return*/, loadTypedefs(pointer, __assign({ loaders: this._loaders, cwd: this.cwd }, options))]; }); }); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.loadTypeDefsSync = function (pointer, options) { return loadTypedefsSync(pointer, this.createOptions(options)); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.loadDocuments = function (pointer, options) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) { return [2 /*return*/, loadDocuments(pointer, this.createOptions(options))]; }); }); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.loadDocumentsSync = function (pointer, options) { return loadDocumentsSync(pointer, this.createOptions(options)); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.loadSchema = function (pointer, out, options) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var loadSchemaOptions, schemaDoc, _a; return __generator(this, function (_b) { switch (_b.label) { case 0: out = out || 'GraphQLSchema'; loadSchemaOptions = this.createOptions(options); if (out === 'GraphQLSchema' && !this._middlewares.length) { return [2 /*return*/, loadSchema(pointer, loadSchemaOptions)]; } _a = this.transformSchemaSources; return [4 /*yield*/, loadTypedefs(pointer, __assign({ filterKinds: OPERATION_KINDS }, loadSchemaOptions))]; case 1: schemaDoc = _a.apply(this, [_b.sent()]); // TODO: TS screams about `out` not being compatible with SchemaOutput return [2 /*return*/, this.castSchema(schemaDoc, out)]; } }); }); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.loadSchemaSync = function (pointer, out, options) { out = out || 'GraphQLSchema'; var loadSchemaOptions = this.createOptions(options); if (out === 'GraphQLSchema' && !this._middlewares.length) { return loadSchemaSync(pointer, loadSchemaOptions); } var schemaDoc = this.transformSchemaSources(loadTypedefsSync(pointer, __assign({ filterKinds: OPERATION_KINDS }, loadSchemaOptions))); return this.castSchema(schemaDoc, out); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.createOptions = function (options) { return __assign({ loaders: this._loaders, cwd: this.cwd }, options); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.transformSchemaSources = function (sources) { var documents = (source) { return source.document; }); var document = mergeTypeDefs(documents); return useMiddleware(this._middlewares)(document); }; LoadersRegistry.prototype.castSchema = function (doc, out) { if (out === 'DocumentNode') { return doc; } if (out === 'GraphQLSchema') { return buildASTSchema(doc); } return print(doc); }; return LoadersRegistry; }()); var GraphQLExtensionsRegistry = /** @class */ (function () { function GraphQLExtensionsRegistry(_a) { var cwd = _a.cwd; this._extensions = {}; this.loaders = { schema: new LoadersRegistry({ cwd: cwd }), documents: new LoadersRegistry({ cwd: cwd }), }; // schema this.loaders.schema.register(new GraphQLFileLoader()); this.loaders.schema.register(new UrlLoader()); this.loaders.schema.register(new JsonFileLoader()); // documents this.loaders.documents.register(new GraphQLFileLoader()); } GraphQLExtensionsRegistry.prototype.register = function (extensionFn) { var extension = extensionFn({ logger: {}, loaders: this.loaders, }); this._extensions[] = extension; }; GraphQLExtensionsRegistry.prototype.has = function (extensionName) { return !!this._extensions[extensionName]; }; GraphQLExtensionsRegistry.prototype.get = function (extensionName) { return this._extensions[extensionName]; }; GraphQLExtensionsRegistry.prototype.names = function () { return Object.keys(this._extensions); }; GraphQLExtensionsRegistry.prototype.forEach = function (cb) { for (var extensionName in this._extensions) { cb(this._extensions[extensionName]); } }; return GraphQLExtensionsRegistry; }()); var EndpointsExtension = function () { return { name: 'endpoints', }; }; var cwd$1 = typeof process !== 'undefined' ? process.cwd() : undefined; var defaultConfigName = 'graphql'; var defaultLoadConfigOptions = { rootDir: cwd$1, extensions: [], throwOnMissing: true, throwOnEmpty: true, configName: defaultConfigName, legacy: true, }; function loadConfig(options) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var _a, filepath, configName, rootDir, extensions, throwOnEmpty, throwOnMissing, legacy, found, _b, error_1; return __generator(this, function (_c) { switch (_c.label) { case 0: _a = __assign(__assign({}, defaultLoadConfigOptions), options), filepath = _a.filepath, configName = _a.configName, rootDir = _a.rootDir, extensions = _a.extensions, throwOnEmpty = _a.throwOnEmpty, throwOnMissing = _a.throwOnMissing, legacy = _a.legacy; _c.label = 1; case 1: _c.trys.push([1, 6, , 7]); if (!filepath) return [3 /*break*/, 3]; return [4 /*yield*/, getConfig({ filepath: filepath, configName: configName, legacy: legacy, })]; case 2: _b = _c.sent(); return [3 /*break*/, 5]; case 3: return [4 /*yield*/, findConfig({ rootDir: rootDir, configName: configName, legacy: legacy, })]; case 4: _b = _c.sent(); _c.label = 5; case 5: found = _b; return [2 /*return*/, new GraphQLConfig(found, extensions)]; case 6: error_1 = _c.sent(); return [2 /*return*/, handleError(error_1, { throwOnMissing: throwOnMissing, throwOnEmpty: throwOnEmpty })]; case 7: return [2 /*return*/]; } }); }); } function loadConfigSync(options) { var _a = __assign(__assign({}, defaultLoadConfigOptions), options), filepath = _a.filepath, configName = _a.configName, rootDir = _a.rootDir, extensions = _a.extensions, throwOnEmpty = _a.throwOnEmpty, throwOnMissing = _a.throwOnMissing, legacy = _a.legacy; try { var found = filepath ? getConfigSync({ filepath: filepath, configName: configName, legacy: legacy, }) : findConfigSync({ rootDir: rootDir, configName: configName, legacy: legacy, }); return new GraphQLConfig(found, extensions); } catch (error) { return handleError(error, { throwOnMissing: throwOnMissing, throwOnEmpty: throwOnEmpty }); } } function handleError(error, options) { if ((!options.throwOnMissing && error instanceof ConfigNotFoundError) || (!options.throwOnEmpty && error instanceof ConfigEmptyError)) { return; } throw error; } var GraphQLConfig = /** @class */ (function () { function GraphQLConfig(raw, extensions) { var _this = this; this._rawConfig = raw.config; this.filepath = raw.filepath; this.dirpath = dirname(raw.filepath); this.extensions = new GraphQLExtensionsRegistry({ cwd: this.dirpath }); // Register Endpoints this.extensions.register(EndpointsExtension); extensions.forEach(function (extension) { _this.extensions.register(extension); }); this.projects = {}; if (isMultipleProjectConfig(this._rawConfig)) { for (var projectName in this._rawConfig.projects) { var config = this._rawConfig.projects[projectName]; this.projects[projectName] = new GraphQLProjectConfig({ filepath: this.filepath, name: projectName, config: config, extensionsRegistry: this.extensions, }); } } else if (isSingleProjectConfig(this._rawConfig)) { this.projects['default'] = new GraphQLProjectConfig({ filepath: this.filepath, name: 'default', config: this._rawConfig, extensionsRegistry: this.extensions, }); } else if (isLegacyProjectConfig(this._rawConfig)) { this.projects['default'] = new GraphQLProjectConfig({ filepath: this.filepath, name: 'default', config: this._rawConfig, extensionsRegistry: this.extensions, }); } } GraphQLConfig.prototype.getProject = function (name) { if (!name) { return this.getDefault(); } var project = this.projects[name]; if (!project) { throw new ProjectNotFoundError("Project '" + name + "' not found"); } return project; }; GraphQLConfig.prototype.getProjectForFile = function (filepath) { // Looks for a project that includes the file or the file is a part of schema or documents for (var projectName in this.projects) { if (this.projects.hasOwnProperty(projectName)) { var project = this.projects[projectName]; if (project.match(filepath)) { return project; } } } // The file doesn't match any of the project // Looks for a first project that has no `include` and `exclude` for (var projectName in this.projects) { if (this.projects.hasOwnProperty(projectName)) { var project = this.projects[projectName]; if (!project.include && !project.exclude) { return project; } } } throw new ProjectNotFoundError("File '" + filepath + "' doesn't match any project"); }; GraphQLConfig.prototype.getDefault = function () { return this.getProject('default'); }; GraphQLConfig.prototype.isLegacy = function () { return isLegacyConfig(this.filepath); }; return GraphQLConfig; }()); export { ConfigEmptyError, ConfigInvalidError, ConfigNotFoundError, ExtensionMissingError, GraphQLConfig, GraphQLProjectConfig, LoaderNoResultError, LoadersMissingError, ProjectNotFoundError, composeMessage, loadConfig, loadConfigSync }; //#