declare const importFrom: { /** Import a module like with [`require()`]( but from a given path. @param fromDirectory - Directory to import from. @param moduleId - What you would use in `require()`. @throws Like `require()`, throws when the module can't be found. @example ``` import importFrom = require('import-from'); try { const bar = importFrom('foo', './bar'); // Do something with `bar` } catch (error) { // `error` is thrown when `./bar` can't be found } ``` */ (fromDirectory: string, moduleId: string): unknown; /** Import a module like with [`require()`]( but from a given path. @param fromDirectory - Directory to import from. @param moduleId - What you would use in `require()`. @returns `undefined` instead of throwing when the module can't be found. @example ``` import importFrom = require('import-from'); const bar = importFrom.silent('foo', './bar'); // Do something with `bar`, may be `undefined` when `./bar` can't be found ``` */ silent(fromDirectory: string, moduleId: string): unknown; }; export = importFrom;