"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var util_1 = require("util"); var _1 = require("."); /** * Based on https://github.com/gouch/to-title-case/blob/master/test/tests.json. */ var TEST_CASES = [ ["", ""], ["2019", "2019"], ["test", "Test"], ["two words", "Two Words"], ["one. two.", "One. Two."], ["a small word starts", "A Small Word Starts"], ["small word ends on", "Small Word Ends On"], ["we keep NASA capitalized", "We Keep NASA Capitalized"], ["pass camelCase through", "Pass camelCase Through"], ["follow step-by-step instructions", "Follow Step-by-Step Instructions"], ["your hair[cut] looks (nice)", "Your Hair[cut] Looks (Nice)"], ["leave Q&A unscathed", "Leave Q&A Unscathed"], [ "piña colada while you listen to ænima", "Piña Colada While You Listen to Ænima", ], ["start title – end title", "Start Title – End Title"], ["start title–end title", "Start Title–End Title"], ["start title — end title", "Start Title — End Title"], ["start title—end title", "Start Title—End Title"], ["start title - end title", "Start Title - End Title"], ["don't break", "Don't Break"], ['"double quotes"', '"Double Quotes"'], ['double quotes "inner" word', 'Double Quotes "Inner" Word'], ["fancy double quotes “inner” word", "Fancy Double Quotes “Inner” Word"], ["have you read “The Lottery”?", "Have You Read “The Lottery”?"], ["one: two", "One: Two"], ["one two: three four", "One Two: Three Four"], ['one two: "Three Four"', 'One Two: "Three Four"'], ["email email@example.com address", "Email email@example.com Address"], [ "you have an https://example.com/ title", "You Have an https://example.com/ Title", ], ["_underscores around words_", "_Underscores Around Words_"], ["*asterisks around words*", "*Asterisks Around Words*"], ["this vs. that", "This vs. That"], ["this vs that", "This vs That"], ["this v. that", "This v. That"], ["this v that", "This v That"], [ "Scott Moritz and TheStreet.com’s million iPhone la-la land", "Scott Moritz and TheStreet.com’s Million iPhone La-La Land", ], [ "Notes and observations regarding Apple’s announcements from ‘The Beat Goes On’ special event", "Notes and Observations Regarding Apple’s Announcements From ‘The Beat Goes On’ Special Event", ], [ "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog", ], ["newcastle upon tyne", "Newcastle upon Tyne"], ["newcastle *upon* tyne", "Newcastle *upon* Tyne"], ]; describe("swap case", function () { var _loop_1 = function (input, result) { it(util_1.inspect(input) + " -> " + util_1.inspect(result), function () { expect(_1.titleCase(input)).toEqual(result); }); }; for (var _i = 0, TEST_CASES_1 = TEST_CASES; _i < TEST_CASES_1.length; _i++) { var _a = TEST_CASES_1[_i], input = _a[0], result = _a[1]; _loop_1(input, result); } }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.spec.js.map