import * as chai from 'chai' const assert = chai.assert import { determineScalarType as sut, ScalarType, parseYamlBoolean, parseYamlInteger, parseYamlFloat } from '../src/scalarInference' import * as Yaml from '../src/index' suite('determineScalarType', () => { function determineScalarType(scalar: Yaml.YAMLDocument) { return sut(scalar) } function safeLoad(input) { return Yaml.safeLoad(input, {}) } let _test = test; // suite('Plain Tag Resolution', () => { function test(name, type, acceptable) { _test(name, function () { for (const word of acceptable) { assert.strictEqual(determineScalarType(safeLoad(word)), type, word) } }) }; test('boolean', ScalarType.bool, ["true", "True", "TRUE", "false", "False", "FALSE"]) test("null", ScalarType.null, ["null", "Null", "NULL", "~", ""]) _test("null as from an array", function () { const node = Yaml.newScalar(''); node.plainScalar = true; assert.strictEqual(determineScalarType(node), ScalarType.null, "unquoted empty string") }) test("integer",, ["0", "0o7", "0x3A", "-19"]) test("float", ScalarType.float, ["0.", "-0.0", ".5", "+12e03", "-2E+05"]) test("float-infinity", ScalarType.float, [".inf", "-.Inf", "+.INF"]) test("float-NaN", ScalarType.float, [".nan", ".NaN", ".NAN"]) test("string", ScalarType.string, ["'true'", "TrUe", "nULl", "''", "'0'", '"1"', '" .5"', ".inF", ".nAn"]) }) suite('Flow style', () => { test('still recognizes types', function () { const node = safeLoad(`[ null, true, 0, 0., .inf, .nan, "-123\n345" ]`) const expected = [ScalarType.null, ScalarType.bool,, ScalarType.float, ScalarType.float, ScalarType.float, ScalarType.string] assert.deepEqual( => determineScalarType(d)), expected) }) }) suite('Block styles', () => { var variations = ['>', '|', '>8', '|+1', '>-', '>+', '|-', '|+'] test('are always strings', function () { for (const variant of variations) { assert.deepEqual(determineScalarType(safeLoad(variant + "\n 123")), ScalarType.string); } }) }) }) suite('parseYamlInteger', () => { test('decimal', function () { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlInteger("0"), 0) assert.strictEqual(parseYamlInteger("-19"), -19) assert.strictEqual(parseYamlInteger("+1"), 1) }) test('hexadecimal', function () { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlInteger("0x3A"), 58) }) test('octal', function () { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlInteger("0o7"), 7) }) test('otherwise', function () { let error; try { parseYamlInteger("'1'") } catch (e) { error = e; } assert(error, "should have thrown") }) }) suite('parseYamlBoolean', () => { test('true', function () { for (const value of ["true", "True", "TRUE"]) { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlBoolean(value), true, value); } }) test('false', function () { for (const value of ["false", "False", "FALSE"]) { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlBoolean(value), false, value); } }) test('otherwise', function () { let error; try { parseYamlBoolean("tRUE") } catch (e) { error = e; } assert(error, "should have thrown") }) }) suite('parseYamlFloat', () => { test('float', function () { const values = ["0.", "-0.0", ".5", "+12e03", "-2E+05"] const expected = [0, -0, 0.5, 12000, -200000] for (var index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlFloat(values[index]), expected[index]) } }) test('NaN', function () { for (const value of [".nan", ".NaN", ".NAN"]) { assert(isNaN(parseYamlFloat(value)), `isNaN(${value})`) } }) test('infinity', function () { assert.strictEqual(parseYamlFloat(".inf"), Infinity) assert.strictEqual(parseYamlFloat("-.Inf"), -Infinity) assert.strictEqual(parseYamlFloat(".INF"), Infinity) }) test('otherwise', function () { let error; try { parseYamlFloat("text") } catch (e) { error = e; } assert(error, "should have thrown") }) })