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393 lines
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import { Kind, visit, getOperationAST } from 'graphql';
import isPromise from 'is-promise';
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import { relocatedError } from '@graphql-tools/utils';
// adapted from
function createPrefix(index) {
return `graphqlTools${index}_`;
function parseKey(prefixedKey) {
const match = /^graphqlTools([\d]+)_(.*)$/.exec(prefixedKey);
if (match && match.length === 3 && !isNaN(Number(match[1])) && match[2]) {
return { index: Number(match[1]), originalKey: match[2] };
return null;
// adapted from
* Merge multiple queries into a single query in such a way that query results
* can be split and transformed as if they were obtained by running original queries.
* Merging algorithm involves several transformations:
* 1. Replace top-level fragment spreads with inline fragments (... on Query {})
* 2. Add unique aliases to all top-level query fields (including those on inline fragments)
* 3. Prefix all variable definitions and variable usages
* 4. Prefix names (and spreads) of fragments
* i.e transform:
* [
* `query Foo($id: ID!) { foo, bar(id: $id), ...FooQuery }
* fragment FooQuery on Query { baz }`,
* `query Bar($id: ID!) { foo: baz, bar(id: $id), ... on Query { baz } }`
* ]
* to:
* query (
* $graphqlTools1_id: ID!
* $graphqlTools2_id: ID!
* ) {
* graphqlTools1_foo: foo,
* graphqlTools1_bar: bar(id: $graphqlTools1_id)
* ... on Query {
* graphqlTools1__baz: baz
* }
* graphqlTools1__foo: baz
* graphqlTools1__bar: bar(id: $graphqlTools1__id)
* ... on Query {
* graphqlTools1__baz: baz
* }
* }
function mergeExecutionParams(execs, extensionsReducer) {
const mergedVariables = Object.create(null);
const mergedVariableDefinitions = [];
const mergedSelections = [];
const mergedFragmentDefinitions = [];
let mergedExtensions = Object.create(null);
let operation;
execs.forEach((executionParams, index) => {
const prefixedExecutionParams = prefixExecutionParams(createPrefix(index), executionParams);
prefixedExecutionParams.document.definitions.forEach(def => {
var _a;
if (isOperationDefinition(def)) {
operation = def.operation;
mergedVariableDefinitions.push(...((_a = def.variableDefinitions) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []));
if (isFragmentDefinition(def)) {
Object.assign(mergedVariables, prefixedExecutionParams.variables);
mergedExtensions = extensionsReducer(mergedExtensions, executionParams);
const mergedOperationDefinition = {
variableDefinitions: mergedVariableDefinitions,
selectionSet: {
selections: mergedSelections,
return {
document: {
kind: Kind.DOCUMENT,
definitions: [mergedOperationDefinition, ...mergedFragmentDefinitions],
variables: mergedVariables,
extensions: mergedExtensions,
context: execs[0].context,
info: execs[0].info,
function prefixExecutionParams(prefix, executionParams) {
let document = aliasTopLevelFields(prefix, executionParams.document);
const variableNames = Object.keys(executionParams.variables);
if (variableNames.length === 0) {
return { ...executionParams, document };
document = visit(document, {
[Kind.VARIABLE]: (node) => prefixNodeName(node, prefix),
[Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION]: (node) => prefixNodeName(node, prefix),
[Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD]: (node) => prefixNodeName(node, prefix),
const prefixedVariables = variableNames.reduce((acc, name) => {
acc[prefix + name] = executionParams.variables[name];
return acc;
}, Object.create(null));
return {
variables: prefixedVariables,
* Adds prefixed aliases to top-level fields of the query.
* @see aliasFieldsInSelection for implementation details
function aliasTopLevelFields(prefix, document) {
const transformer = {
const { selections } = def.selectionSet;
return {
selectionSet: {
selections: aliasFieldsInSelection(prefix, selections, document),
return visit(document, transformer, { [Kind.DOCUMENT]: [`definitions`] });
* Add aliases to fields of the selection, including top-level fields of inline fragments.
* Fragment spreads are converted to inline fragments and their top-level fields are also aliased.
* Note that this method is shallow. It adds aliases only to the top-level fields and doesn't
* descend to field sub-selections.
* For example, transforms:
* {
* foo
* ... on Query { foo }
* ...FragmentWithBarField
* }
* To:
* {
* graphqlTools1_foo: foo
* ... on Query { graphqlTools1_foo: foo }
* ... on Query { graphqlTools1_bar: bar }
* }
function aliasFieldsInSelection(prefix, selections, document) {
return => {
switch (selection.kind) {
return aliasFieldsInInlineFragment(prefix, selection, document);
const inlineFragment = inlineFragmentSpread(selection, document);
return aliasFieldsInInlineFragment(prefix, inlineFragment, document);
case Kind.FIELD:
return aliasField(selection, prefix);
* Add aliases to top-level fields of the inline fragment.
* Returns new inline fragment node.
* For Example, transforms:
* ... on Query { foo, ... on Query { bar: foo } }
* To
* ... on Query { graphqlTools1_foo: foo, ... on Query { graphqlTools1_bar: foo } }
function aliasFieldsInInlineFragment(prefix, fragment, document) {
const { selections } = fragment.selectionSet;
return {
selectionSet: {
selections: aliasFieldsInSelection(prefix, selections, document),
* Replaces fragment spread with inline fragment
* Example:
* query { ...Spread }
* fragment Spread on Query { bar }
* Transforms to:
* query { ... on Query { bar } }
function inlineFragmentSpread(spread, document) {
const fragment = document.definitions.find(def => isFragmentDefinition(def) && ===;
if (!fragment) {
throw new Error(`Fragment ${} does not exist`);
const { typeCondition, selectionSet } = fragment;
return {
directives: spread.directives,
function prefixNodeName(namedNode, prefix) {
return {
name: {,
value: prefix +,
* Returns a new FieldNode with prefixed alias
* Example. Given prefix === "graphqlTools1_" transforms:
* { foo } -> { graphqlTools1_foo: foo }
* { foo: bar } -> { graphqlTools1_foo: bar }
function aliasField(field, aliasPrefix) {
const aliasNode = field.alias ? field.alias :;
return {
alias: {
value: aliasPrefix + aliasNode.value,
function isOperationDefinition(def) {
return def.kind === Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION;
function isFragmentDefinition(def) {
return def.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION;
// adapted from
* Split and transform result of the query produced by the `merge` function
function splitResult(mergedResult, numResults) {
const splitResults = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numResults; i++) {
const data =;
if (data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(prefixedKey => {
const { index, originalKey } = parseKey(prefixedKey);
if (!splitResults[index].data) {
splitResults[index].data = { [originalKey]: data[prefixedKey] };
else {
splitResults[index].data[originalKey] = data[prefixedKey];
const errors = mergedResult.errors;
if (errors) {
const newErrors = Object.create(null);
errors.forEach(error => {
if (error.path) {
const parsedKey = parseKey(error.path[0]);
if (parsedKey) {
const { index, originalKey } = parsedKey;
const newError = relocatedError(error, [originalKey, ...error.path.slice(1)]);
if (!newErrors[index]) {
newErrors[index] = [newError];
else {
splitResults.forEach((_splitResult, index) => {
if (!newErrors[index]) {
newErrors[index] = [error];
else {
Object.keys(newErrors).forEach(index => {
splitResults[index].errors = newErrors[index];
return splitResults;
function createBatchingExecutor(executor, dataLoaderOptions, extensionsReducer) {
const loader = new DataLoader(createLoadFn(executor, extensionsReducer !== null && extensionsReducer !== void 0 ? extensionsReducer : defaultExtensionsReducer), dataLoaderOptions);
return (executionParams) => loader.load(executionParams);
function createLoadFn(executor, extensionsReducer) {
return async (execs) => {
const execBatches = [];
let index = 0;
const exec = execs[index];
let currentBatch = [exec];
const operationType = getOperationAST(exec.document, undefined).operation;
while (++index < execs.length) {
const currentOperationType = getOperationAST(execs[index].document, undefined).operation;
if (operationType === currentOperationType) {
else {
currentBatch = [execs[index]];
let containsPromises = false;
const executionResults = [];
execBatches.forEach(execBatch => {
const mergedExecutionParams = mergeExecutionParams(execBatch, extensionsReducer);
const executionResult = executor(mergedExecutionParams);
if (isPromise(executionResult)) {
containsPromises = true;
if (containsPromises) {
return Promise.all(executionResults).then(resultBatches => {
let results = [];
resultBatches.forEach((resultBatch, index) => {
results = results.concat(splitResult(resultBatch, execBatches[index].length));
return results;
let results = [];
executionResults.forEach((resultBatch, index) => {
results = results.concat(splitResult(resultBatch, execBatches[index].length));
return results;
function defaultExtensionsReducer(mergedExtensions, executionParams) {
const newExtensions = executionParams.extensions;
if (newExtensions != null) {
Object.assign(mergedExtensions, newExtensions);
return mergedExtensions;
function memoize2of4(fn) {
let cache1;
function memoized(a1, a2, a3, a4) {
if (!cache1) {
cache1 = new WeakMap();
const cache2 = new WeakMap();
cache1.set(a1, cache2);
const newValue = fn(a1, a2, a3, a4);
cache2.set(a2, newValue);
return newValue;
let cache2 = cache1.get(a1);
if (!cache2) {
cache2 = new WeakMap();
cache1.set(a1, cache2);
const newValue = fn(a1, a2, a3, a4);
cache2.set(a2, newValue);
return newValue;
const cachedValue = cache2.get(a2);
if (cachedValue === undefined) {
const newValue = fn(a1, a2, a3, a4);
cache2.set(a2, newValue);
return newValue;
return cachedValue;
return memoized;
const getBatchingExecutor = memoize2of4(function (_context, executor, dataLoaderOptions, extensionsReducer) {
return createBatchingExecutor(executor, dataLoaderOptions, extensionsReducer);
export { createBatchingExecutor, getBatchingExecutor };