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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
const utils = require('@graphql-tools/utils');
const graphql = require('graphql');
const schema = require('@graphql-tools/schema');
* Deep merges multiple resolver definition objects into a single definition.
* @param resolversDefinitions Resolver definitions to be merged
* @param options Additional options
* ```js
* const { mergeResolvers } = require('@graphql-tools/merge');
* const clientResolver = require('./clientResolver');
* const productResolver = require('./productResolver');
* const resolvers = mergeResolvers([
* clientResolver,
* productResolver,
* ]);
* ```
* If you don't want to manually create the array of resolver objects, you can
* also use this function along with loadFiles:
* ```js
* const path = require('path');
* const { mergeResolvers } = require('@graphql-tools/merge');
* const { loadFilesSync } = require('@graphql-tools/load-files');
* const resolversArray = loadFilesSync(path.join(__dirname, './resolvers'));
* const resolvers = mergeResolvers(resolversArray)
* ```
function mergeResolvers(resolversDefinitions, options) {
if (!resolversDefinitions || resolversDefinitions.length === 0) {
return {};
if (resolversDefinitions.length === 1) {
const singleDefinition = resolversDefinitions[0];
if (Array.isArray(singleDefinition)) {
return mergeResolvers(singleDefinition);
return singleDefinition;
const resolversFactories = new Array();
const resolvers = new Array();
for (let resolversDefinition of resolversDefinitions) {
if (Array.isArray(resolversDefinition)) {
resolversDefinition = mergeResolvers(resolversDefinition);
if (typeof resolversDefinition === 'function') {
else if (typeof resolversDefinition === 'object') {
let result = {};
if (resolversFactories.length) {
result = ((...args) => {
const resultsOfFactories = => factory(...args));
return resolvers.concat(resultsOfFactories).reduce(utils.mergeDeep, {});
else {
result = resolvers.reduce(utils.mergeDeep, {});
if (options && options.exclusions) {
for (const exclusion of options.exclusions) {
const [typeName, fieldName] = exclusion.split('.');
if (!fieldName || fieldName === '*') {
delete result[typeName];
else if (result[typeName]) {
delete result[typeName][fieldName];
return result;
function mergeArguments(args1, args2, config) {
const result = deduplicateArguments([].concat(args2, args1).filter(a => a));
if (config && config.sort) {
return result;
function deduplicateArguments(args) {
return args.reduce((acc, current) => {
const dup = acc.find(arg => ===;
if (!dup) {
return acc.concat([current]);
return acc;
}, []);
let commentsRegistry = {};
function resetComments() {
commentsRegistry = {};
function collectComment(node) {
const entityName =;
pushComment(node, entityName);
switch (node.kind) {
case 'EnumTypeDefinition':
node.values.forEach(value => {
pushComment(value, entityName,;
case 'ObjectTypeDefinition':
case 'InputObjectTypeDefinition':
case 'InterfaceTypeDefinition':
if (node.fields) {
node.fields.forEach((field) => {
pushComment(field, entityName,;
if (isFieldDefinitionNode(field) && field.arguments) {
field.arguments.forEach(arg => {
pushComment(arg, entityName,,;
function pushComment(node, entity, field, argument) {
const comment = graphql.getDescription(node, { commentDescriptions: true });
if (typeof comment !== 'string' || comment.length === 0) {
const keys = [entity];
if (field) {
if (argument) {
const path = keys.join('.');
if (!commentsRegistry[path]) {
commentsRegistry[path] = [];
function printComment(comment) {
return '\n# ' + comment.replace(/\n/g, '\n# ');
* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* NOTE: ==> This file has been modified just to add comments to the printed AST
* This is a temp measure, we will move to using the original non modified printer.js ASAP.
// import { visit, VisitFn } from 'graphql/language/visitor';
* Given maybeArray, print an empty string if it is null or empty, otherwise
* print all items together separated by separator if provided
function join(maybeArray, separator) {
return maybeArray ? maybeArray.filter(x => x).join(separator || '') : '';
function addDescription(cb) {
return (node, _key, _parent, path, ancestors) => {
const keys = [];
const parent = path.reduce((prev, key) => {
if (['fields', 'arguments', 'values'].includes(key)) {
return prev[key];
}, ancestors[0]);
const key = [...keys,].join('.');
const items = [];
if (commentsRegistry[key]) {
return join([, node.description, cb(node)], '\n');
function indent(maybeString) {
return maybeString && ` ${maybeString.replace(/\n/g, '\n ')}`;
* Given array, print each item on its own line, wrapped in an
* indented "{ }" block.
function block(array) {
return array && array.length !== 0 ? `{\n${indent(join(array, '\n'))}\n}` : '';
* If maybeString is not null or empty, then wrap with start and end, otherwise
* print an empty string.
function wrap(start, maybeString, end) {
return maybeString ? start + maybeString + (end || '') : '';
* Print a block string in the indented block form by adding a leading and
* trailing blank line. However, if a block string starts with whitespace and is
* a single-line, adding a leading blank line would strip that whitespace.
function printBlockString(value, isDescription) {
const escaped = value.replace(/"""/g, '\\"""');
return (value[0] === ' ' || value[0] === '\t') && value.indexOf('\n') === -1
? `"""${escaped.replace(/"$/, '"\n')}"""`
: `"""\n${isDescription ? escaped : indent(escaped)}\n"""`;
* Converts an AST into a string, using one set of reasonable
* formatting rules.
function printWithComments(ast) {
return graphql.visit(ast, {
leave: {
Name: node => node.value,
Variable: node => `$${}`,
// Document
Document: node => `${node.definitions
.map(defNode => `${defNode}\n${defNode[0] === '#' ? '' : '\n'}`)
OperationTypeDefinition: node => `${node.operation}: ${node.type}`,
VariableDefinition: ({ variable, type, defaultValue }) => `${variable}: ${type}${wrap(' = ', defaultValue)}`,
SelectionSet: ({ selections }) => block(selections),
Field: ({ alias, name, arguments: args, directives, selectionSet }) => join([wrap('', alias, ': ') + name + wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')'), join(directives, ' '), selectionSet], ' '),
Argument: addDescription(({ name, value }) => `${name}: ${value}`),
// Value
IntValue: ({ value }) => value,
FloatValue: ({ value }) => value,
StringValue: ({ value, block: isBlockString }, key) => isBlockString ? printBlockString(value, key === 'description') : JSON.stringify(value),
BooleanValue: ({ value }) => (value ? 'true' : 'false'),
NullValue: () => 'null',
EnumValue: ({ value }) => value,
ListValue: ({ values }) => `[${join(values, ', ')}]`,
ObjectValue: ({ fields }) => `{${join(fields, ', ')}}`,
ObjectField: ({ name, value }) => `${name}: ${value}`,
// Directive
Directive: ({ name, arguments: args }) => `@${name}${wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')')}`,
// Type
NamedType: ({ name }) => name,
ListType: ({ type }) => `[${type}]`,
NonNullType: ({ type }) => `${type}!`,
// Type System Definitions
SchemaDefinition: ({ directives, operationTypes }) => join(['schema', join(directives, ' '), block(operationTypes)], ' '),
ScalarTypeDefinition: addDescription(({ name, directives }) => join(['scalar', name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ')),
ObjectTypeDefinition: addDescription(({ name, interfaces, directives, fields }) => join(['type', name, wrap('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ')),
FieldDefinition: addDescription(({ name, arguments: args, type, directives }) => `${name + wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')')}: ${type}${wrap(' ', join(directives, ' '))}`),
InputValueDefinition: addDescription(({ name, type, defaultValue, directives }) => join([`${name}: ${type}`, wrap('= ', defaultValue), join(directives, ' ')], ' ')),
InterfaceTypeDefinition: addDescription(({ name, directives, fields }) => join(['interface', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ')),
UnionTypeDefinition: addDescription(({ name, directives, types }) => join(['union', name, join(directives, ' '), types && types.length !== 0 ? `= ${join(types, ' | ')}` : ''], ' ')),
EnumTypeDefinition: addDescription(({ name, directives, values }) => join(['enum', name, join(directives, ' '), block(values)], ' ')),
EnumValueDefinition: addDescription(({ name, directives }) => join([name, join(directives, ' ')], ' ')),
InputObjectTypeDefinition: addDescription(({ name, directives, fields }) => join(['input', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' ')),
ScalarTypeExtension: ({ name, directives }) => join(['extend scalar', name, join(directives, ' ')], ' '),
ObjectTypeExtension: ({ name, interfaces, directives, fields }) => join(['extend type', name, wrap('implements ', join(interfaces, ' & ')), join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' '),
InterfaceTypeExtension: ({ name, directives, fields }) => join(['extend interface', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' '),
UnionTypeExtension: ({ name, directives, types }) => join(['extend union', name, join(directives, ' '), types && types.length !== 0 ? `= ${join(types, ' | ')}` : ''], ' '),
EnumTypeExtension: ({ name, directives, values }) => join(['extend enum', name, join(directives, ' '), block(values)], ' '),
InputObjectTypeExtension: ({ name, directives, fields }) => join(['extend input', name, join(directives, ' '), block(fields)], ' '),
DirectiveDefinition: addDescription(({ name, arguments: args, locations }) => `directive @${name}${wrap('(', join(args, ', '), ')')} on ${join(locations, ' | ')}`),
function isFieldDefinitionNode(node) {
return node.kind === 'FieldDefinition';
function directiveAlreadyExists(directivesArr, otherDirective) {
return !!directivesArr.find(directive => ===;
function nameAlreadyExists(name, namesArr) {
return namesArr.some(({ value }) => value === name.value);
function mergeArguments$1(a1, a2) {
const result = [...a2];
for (const argument of a1) {
const existingIndex = result.findIndex(a => ===;
if (existingIndex > -1) {
const existingArg = result[existingIndex];
if (existingArg.value.kind === 'ListValue') {
const source = existingArg.value.values;
const target = argument.value.values;
// merge values of two lists
existingArg.value.values = deduplicateLists(source, target, (targetVal, source) => {
const value = targetVal.value;
return !value || !source.some((sourceVal) => sourceVal.value === value);
else {
existingArg.value = argument.value;
else {
return result;
function deduplicateDirectives(directives) {
return directives
.map((directive, i, all) => {
const firstAt = all.findIndex(d => ===;
if (firstAt !== i) {
const dup = all[firstAt];
directive.arguments = mergeArguments$1(directive.arguments, dup.arguments);
return null;
return directive;
.filter(d => d);
function mergeDirectives(d1 = [], d2 = [], config) {
const reverseOrder = config && config.reverseDirectives;
const asNext = reverseOrder ? d1 : d2;
const asFirst = reverseOrder ? d2 : d1;
const result = deduplicateDirectives([...asNext]);
for (const directive of asFirst) {
if (directiveAlreadyExists(result, directive)) {
const existingDirectiveIndex = result.findIndex(d => ===;
const existingDirective = result[existingDirectiveIndex];
result[existingDirectiveIndex].arguments = mergeArguments$1(directive.arguments || [], existingDirective.arguments || []);
else {
return result;
function validateInputs(node, existingNode) {
const printedNode = graphql.print(node);
const printedExistingNode = graphql.print(existingNode);
// eslint-disable-next-line
const leaveInputs = new RegExp('(directive @w*d*)|( on .*$)', 'g');
const sameArguments = printedNode.replace(leaveInputs, '') === printedExistingNode.replace(leaveInputs, '');
if (!sameArguments) {
throw new Error(`Unable to merge GraphQL directive "${}". \nExisting directive: \n\t${printedExistingNode} \nReceived directive: \n\t${printedNode}`);
function mergeDirective(node, existingNode) {
if (existingNode) {
validateInputs(node, existingNode);
return {
locations: [
...node.locations.filter(name => !nameAlreadyExists(name, existingNode.locations)),
return node;
function deduplicateLists(source, target, filterFn) {
return source.concat(target.filter(val => filterFn(val, source)));
function mergeEnumValues(first, second, config) {
if (config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.consistentEnumMerge) {
const reversed = first;
first = second;
second = reversed;
const enumValueMap = new Map();
for (const firstValue of first) {
enumValueMap.set(, firstValue);
for (const secondValue of second) {
const enumValue =;
if (enumValueMap.has(enumValue)) {
const firstValue = enumValueMap.get(enumValue);
firstValue.description = secondValue.description || firstValue.description;
firstValue.directives = mergeDirectives(secondValue.directives, firstValue.directives);
else {
enumValueMap.set(enumValue, secondValue);
const result = [...enumValueMap.values()];
if (config && config.sort) {
return result;
function mergeEnum(e1, e2, config) {
if (e2) {
return {
description: e1['description'] || e2['description'],
kind: (config && config.convertExtensions) || e1.kind === 'EnumTypeDefinition' || e2.kind === 'EnumTypeDefinition'
? 'EnumTypeDefinition'
: 'EnumTypeExtension',
loc: e1.loc,
directives: mergeDirectives(e1.directives, e2.directives, config),
values: mergeEnumValues(e1.values, e2.values, config),
return config && config.convertExtensions
? {
kind: 'EnumTypeDefinition',
: e1;
function isStringTypes(types) {
return typeof types === 'string';
function isSourceTypes(types) {
return types instanceof graphql.Source;
function isGraphQLType(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'ObjectTypeDefinition';
function isGraphQLTypeExtension(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'ObjectTypeExtension';
function isGraphQLEnum(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'EnumTypeDefinition';
function isGraphQLEnumExtension(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'EnumTypeExtension';
function isGraphQLUnion(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'UnionTypeDefinition';
function isGraphQLUnionExtension(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'UnionTypeExtension';
function isGraphQLScalar(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'ScalarTypeDefinition';
function isGraphQLScalarExtension(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'ScalarTypeExtension';
function isGraphQLInputType(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'InputObjectTypeDefinition';
function isGraphQLInputTypeExtension(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'InputObjectTypeExtension';
function isGraphQLInterface(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'InterfaceTypeDefinition';
function isGraphQLInterfaceExtension(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'InterfaceTypeExtension';
function isGraphQLDirective(definition) {
return definition.kind === 'DirectiveDefinition';
function extractType(type) {
let visitedType = type;
while (visitedType.kind === 'ListType' || visitedType.kind === 'NonNullType') {
visitedType = visitedType.type;
return visitedType;
function isSchemaDefinition(node) {
return node.kind === 'SchemaDefinition';
function isWrappingTypeNode(type) {
return type.kind !== graphql.Kind.NAMED_TYPE;
function isListTypeNode(type) {
return type.kind === graphql.Kind.LIST_TYPE;
function isNonNullTypeNode(type) {
return type.kind === graphql.Kind.NON_NULL_TYPE;
function printTypeNode(type) {
if (isListTypeNode(type)) {
return `[${printTypeNode(type.type)}]`;
if (isNonNullTypeNode(type)) {
return `${printTypeNode(type.type)}!`;
function fieldAlreadyExists(fieldsArr, otherField, config) {
const result = fieldsArr.find(field => ===;
if (result && !(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.ignoreFieldConflicts)) {
const t1 = extractType(result.type);
const t2 = extractType(otherField.type);
if ( !== {
throw new Error(`Field "${}" already defined with a different type. Declared as "${}", but you tried to override with "${}"`);
return !!result;
function mergeFields(type, f1, f2, config) {
const result = [...f2];
for (const field of f1) {
if (fieldAlreadyExists(result, field, config)) {
const existing = result.find((f) => ===;
if (!(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.ignoreFieldConflicts)) {
if (config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.throwOnConflict) {
preventConflicts(type, existing, field, false);
else {
preventConflicts(type, existing, field, true);
if (isNonNullTypeNode(field.type) && !isNonNullTypeNode(existing.type)) {
existing.type = field.type;
existing.arguments = mergeArguments(field['arguments'] || [], existing.arguments || [], config);
existing.directives = mergeDirectives(field.directives, existing.directives, config);
existing.description = field.description || existing.description;
else {
if (config && config.sort) {
if (config && config.exclusions) {
return result.filter(field => !config.exclusions.includes(`${}.${}`));
return result;
function preventConflicts(type, a, b, ignoreNullability = false) {
const aType = printTypeNode(a.type);
const bType = printTypeNode(b.type);
if (utils.isNotEqual(aType, bType)) {
if (safeChangeForFieldType(a.type, b.type, ignoreNullability) === false) {
throw new Error(`Field '${}.${}' changed type from '${aType}' to '${bType}'`);
function safeChangeForFieldType(oldType, newType, ignoreNullability = false) {
// both are named
if (!isWrappingTypeNode(oldType) && !isWrappingTypeNode(newType)) {
return oldType.toString() === newType.toString();
// new is non-null
if (isNonNullTypeNode(newType)) {
const ofType = isNonNullTypeNode(oldType) ? oldType.type : oldType;
return safeChangeForFieldType(ofType, newType.type);
// old is non-null
if (isNonNullTypeNode(oldType)) {
return safeChangeForFieldType(newType, oldType, ignoreNullability);
// old is list
if (isListTypeNode(oldType)) {
return ((isListTypeNode(newType) && safeChangeForFieldType(oldType.type, newType.type)) ||
(isNonNullTypeNode(newType) && safeChangeForFieldType(oldType, newType['type'])));
return false;
function mergeInputType(node, existingNode, config) {
if (existingNode) {
try {
return {
description: node['description'] || existingNode['description'],
kind: (config && config.convertExtensions) ||
node.kind === 'InputObjectTypeDefinition' ||
existingNode.kind === 'InputObjectTypeDefinition'
? 'InputObjectTypeDefinition'
: 'InputObjectTypeExtension',
loc: node.loc,
fields: mergeFields(node, node.fields, existingNode.fields, config),
directives: mergeDirectives(node.directives, existingNode.directives, config),
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Unable to merge GraphQL input type "${}": ${e.message}`);
return config && config.convertExtensions
? {
kind: 'InputObjectTypeDefinition',
: node;
function mergeInterface(node, existingNode, config) {
if (existingNode) {
try {
return {
description: node['description'] || existingNode['description'],
kind: (config && config.convertExtensions) ||
node.kind === 'InterfaceTypeDefinition' ||
existingNode.kind === 'InterfaceTypeDefinition'
? 'InterfaceTypeDefinition'
: 'InterfaceTypeExtension',
loc: node.loc,
fields: mergeFields(node, node.fields, existingNode.fields, config),
directives: mergeDirectives(node.directives, existingNode.directives, config),
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Unable to merge GraphQL interface "${}": ${e.message}`);
return config && config.convertExtensions
? {
kind: 'InterfaceTypeDefinition',
: node;
function alreadyExists(arr, other) {
return !!arr.find(i => ===;
function mergeNamedTypeArray(first, second, config) {
const result = [...second, ...first.filter(d => !alreadyExists(second, d))];
if (config && config.sort) {
return result;
function mergeType(node, existingNode, config) {
if (existingNode) {
try {
return {
description: node['description'] || existingNode['description'],
kind: (config && config.convertExtensions) ||
node.kind === 'ObjectTypeDefinition' ||
existingNode.kind === 'ObjectTypeDefinition'
? 'ObjectTypeDefinition'
: 'ObjectTypeExtension',
loc: node.loc,
fields: mergeFields(node, node.fields, existingNode.fields, config),
directives: mergeDirectives(node.directives, existingNode.directives, config),
interfaces: mergeNamedTypeArray(node.interfaces, existingNode.interfaces, config),
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Unable to merge GraphQL type "${}": ${e.message}`);
return config && config.convertExtensions
? {
kind: 'ObjectTypeDefinition',
: node;
function mergeScalar(node, existingNode, config) {
if (existingNode) {
return {
description: node['description'] || existingNode['description'],
kind: (config && config.convertExtensions) ||
node.kind === 'ScalarTypeDefinition' ||
existingNode.kind === 'ScalarTypeDefinition'
? 'ScalarTypeDefinition'
: 'ScalarTypeExtension',
loc: node.loc,
directives: mergeDirectives(node.directives, existingNode.directives, config),
return config && config.convertExtensions
? {
kind: 'ScalarTypeDefinition',
: node;
function mergeUnion(first, second, config) {
if (second) {
return {
description: first['description'] || second['description'],
directives: mergeDirectives(first.directives, second.directives, config),
kind: (config && config.convertExtensions) ||
first.kind === 'UnionTypeDefinition' ||
second.kind === 'UnionTypeDefinition'
? 'UnionTypeDefinition'
: 'UnionTypeExtension',
loc: first.loc,
types: mergeNamedTypeArray(first.types, second.types, config),
return config && config.convertExtensions
? {
kind: 'UnionTypeDefinition',
: first;
function mergeGraphQLNodes(nodes, config) {
return nodes.reduce((prev, nodeDefinition) => {
const node = nodeDefinition;
if (node && && {
const name =;
if (config && config.commentDescriptions) {
if (config &&
config.exclusions &&
(config.exclusions.includes(name + '.*') || config.exclusions.includes(name))) {
delete prev[name];
else if (isGraphQLType(nodeDefinition) || isGraphQLTypeExtension(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeType(nodeDefinition, prev[name], config);
else if (isGraphQLEnum(nodeDefinition) || isGraphQLEnumExtension(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeEnum(nodeDefinition, prev[name], config);
else if (isGraphQLUnion(nodeDefinition) || isGraphQLUnionExtension(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeUnion(nodeDefinition, prev[name], config);
else if (isGraphQLScalar(nodeDefinition) || isGraphQLScalarExtension(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeScalar(nodeDefinition, prev[name], config);
else if (isGraphQLInputType(nodeDefinition) || isGraphQLInputTypeExtension(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeInputType(nodeDefinition, prev[name], config);
else if (isGraphQLInterface(nodeDefinition) || isGraphQLInterfaceExtension(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeInterface(nodeDefinition, prev[name], config);
else if (isGraphQLDirective(nodeDefinition)) {
prev[name] = mergeDirective(nodeDefinition, prev[name]);
return prev;
}, {});
function mergeTypeDefs(types, config) {
const doc = {
kind: graphql.Kind.DOCUMENT,
definitions: mergeGraphQLTypes(types, {
useSchemaDefinition: true,
forceSchemaDefinition: false,
throwOnConflict: false,
commentDescriptions: false,
let result;
if (config && config.commentDescriptions) {
result = printWithComments(doc);
else {
result = doc;
return result;
function mergeGraphQLTypes(types, config) {
const allNodes = types
.map(type => {
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
type = mergeTypeDefs(type);
if (graphql.isSchema(type)) {
return utils.getDocumentNodeFromSchema(type);
else if (isStringTypes(type) || isSourceTypes(type)) {
return graphql.parse(type);
return type;
.map(ast => ast.definitions)
.reduce((defs, newDef = []) => [...defs, ...newDef], []);
// XXX: right now we don't handle multiple schema definitions
let schemaDef = allNodes.filter(isSchemaDefinition).reduce((def, node) => {
.filter(op =>
.forEach(op => {
def[op.operation] =;
return def;
}, {
query: null,
mutation: null,
subscription: null,
const mergedNodes = mergeGraphQLNodes(allNodes, config);
const allTypes = Object.keys(mergedNodes);
if (config && config.sort) {
allTypes.sort(typeof config.sort === 'function' ? config.sort : undefined);
if (config && config.useSchemaDefinition) {
const queryType = schemaDef.query ? schemaDef.query : allTypes.find(t => t === 'Query');
const mutationType = schemaDef.mutation ? schemaDef.mutation : allTypes.find(t => t === 'Mutation');
const subscriptionType = schemaDef.subscription ? schemaDef.subscription : allTypes.find(t => t === 'Subscription');
schemaDef = {
query: queryType,
mutation: mutationType,
subscription: subscriptionType,
const schemaDefinition = utils.createSchemaDefinition(schemaDef, {
force: config.forceSchemaDefinition,
if (!schemaDefinition) {
return Object.values(mergedNodes);
return [...Object.values(mergedNodes), graphql.parse(schemaDefinition).definitions[0]];
function travelSchemaPossibleExtensions(schema, hooks) {
const typesMap = schema.getTypeMap();
for (const [, type] of Object.entries(typesMap)) {
const isPredefinedScalar = graphql.isScalarType(type) && graphql.isSpecifiedScalarType(type);
const isIntrospection = graphql.isIntrospectionType(type);
if (isPredefinedScalar || isIntrospection) {
if (graphql.isObjectType(type)) {
const fields = type.getFields();
for (const [, field] of Object.entries(fields)) {
hooks.onObjectField(type, field);
const args = field.args || [];
for (const arg of args) {
hooks.onObjectFieldArg(type, field, arg);
else if (graphql.isInterfaceType(type)) {
const fields = type.getFields();
for (const [, field] of Object.entries(fields)) {
hooks.onInterfaceField(type, field);
const args = field.args || [];
for (const arg of args) {
hooks.onInterfaceFieldArg(type, field, arg);
else if (graphql.isInputObjectType(type)) {
const fields = type.getFields();
for (const [, field] of Object.entries(fields)) {
hooks.onInputFieldType(type, field);
else if (graphql.isUnionType(type)) {
else if (graphql.isScalarType(type)) {
else if (graphql.isEnumType(type)) {
for (const value of type.getValues()) {
hooks.onEnumValue(type, value);
function mergeExtensions(extensions) {
return extensions.reduce((result, extensionObj) => [result, extensionObj].reduce(utils.mergeDeep, {}), {});
function applyExtensionObject(obj, extensions) {
if (!obj) {
obj.extensions = [obj.extensions || {}, extensions || {}].reduce(utils.mergeDeep, {});
function applyExtensions(schema, extensions) {
applyExtensionObject(schema, extensions.schemaExtensions);
for (const [typeName, data] of Object.entries(extensions.types || {})) {
const type = schema.getType(typeName);
if (type) {
applyExtensionObject(type, data.extensions);
if (data.type === 'object' || data.type === 'interface') {
for (const [fieldName, fieldData] of Object.entries(data.fields)) {
const field = type.getFields()[fieldName];
if (field) {
applyExtensionObject(field, fieldData.extensions);
for (const [arg, argData] of Object.entries(fieldData.arguments)) {
applyExtensionObject(field.args.find(a => === arg), argData);
else if (data.type === 'input') {
for (const [fieldName, fieldData] of Object.entries(data.fields)) {
const field = type.getFields()[fieldName];
applyExtensionObject(field, fieldData.extensions);
else if (data.type === 'enum') {
for (const [valueName, valueData] of Object.entries(data.values)) {
const value = type.getValue(valueName);
applyExtensionObject(value, valueData);
return schema;
function extractExtensionsFromSchema(schema) {
const result = {
schemaExtensions: {},
types: {},
travelSchemaPossibleExtensions(schema, {
onSchema: schema => (result.schemaExtensions = schema.extensions || {}),
onObjectType: type => (result.types[] = { fields: {}, type: 'object', extensions: type.extensions || {} }),
onObjectField: (type, field) => (result.types[].fields[] = {
arguments: {},
extensions: field.extensions || {},
onObjectFieldArg: (type, field, arg) => (result.types[].fields[].arguments[] = arg.extensions || {}),
onInterface: type => (result.types[] = { fields: {}, type: 'interface', extensions: type.extensions || {} }),
onInterfaceField: (type, field) => (result.types[].fields[] = {
arguments: {},
extensions: field.extensions || {},
onInterfaceFieldArg: (type, field, arg) => (result.types[].fields[].arguments[] =
arg.extensions || {}),
onEnum: type => (result.types[] = { values: {}, type: 'enum', extensions: type.extensions || {} }),
onEnumValue: (type, value) => (result.types[].values[] = value.extensions || {}),
onScalar: type => (result.types[] = { type: 'scalar', extensions: type.extensions || {} }),
onUnion: type => (result.types[] = { type: 'union', extensions: type.extensions || {} }),
onInputType: type => (result.types[] = { fields: {}, type: 'input', extensions: type.extensions || {} }),
onInputFieldType: (type, field) => (result.types[].fields[] = { extensions: field.extensions || {} }),
return result;
const defaultResolverValidationOptions = {
requireResolversForArgs: 'ignore',
requireResolversForNonScalar: 'ignore',
requireResolversForAllFields: 'ignore',
requireResolversForResolveType: 'ignore',
requireResolversToMatchSchema: 'ignore',
* Synchronously merges multiple schemas, typeDefinitions and/or resolvers into a single schema.
* @param config Configuration object
function mergeSchemas(config) {
const typeDefs = mergeTypes(config);
const extractedResolvers = [];
const extractedExtensions = [];
for (const schema of config.schemas) {
const resolvers = mergeResolvers(extractedResolvers, config);
const extensions = mergeExtensions(extractedExtensions);
return makeSchema({ resolvers, typeDefs, extensions }, config);
* Synchronously merges multiple schemas, typeDefinitions and/or resolvers into a single schema.
* @param config Configuration object
async function mergeSchemasAsync(config) {
const [typeDefs, resolvers, extensions] = await Promise.all([
Promise.all( (schema) => utils.getResolversFromSchema(schema))).then(extractedResolvers => mergeResolvers([...extractedResolvers, ...ensureResolvers(config)], config)),
Promise.all( (schema) => extractExtensionsFromSchema(schema))).then(extractedExtensions => mergeExtensions(extractedExtensions)),
return makeSchema({ resolvers, typeDefs, extensions }, config);
function mergeTypes({ schemas, typeDefs, ...config }) {
return mergeTypeDefs([...schemas, ...(typeDefs ? utils.asArray(typeDefs) : [])], config);
function ensureResolvers(config) {
return config.resolvers ? utils.asArray(config.resolvers) : [];
function makeSchema({ resolvers, typeDefs, extensions, }, config) {
let schema$1 = typeof typeDefs === 'string' ? graphql.buildSchema(typeDefs, config) : graphql.buildASTSchema(typeDefs, config);
// add resolvers
if (resolvers) {
schema$1 = schema.addResolversToSchema({
schema: schema$1,
resolverValidationOptions: {
...(config.resolverValidationOptions || {}),
// use logger
if (config.logger) {
schema$1 = schema.addErrorLoggingToSchema(schema$1, config.logger);
// use schema directives
if (config.schemaDirectives) {
utils.SchemaDirectiveVisitor.visitSchemaDirectives(schema$1, config.schemaDirectives);
// extensions
applyExtensions(schema$1, extensions);
return schema$1;
exports.applyExtensions = applyExtensions;
exports.collectComment = collectComment;
exports.extractExtensionsFromSchema = extractExtensionsFromSchema;
exports.extractType = extractType;
exports.isGraphQLDirective = isGraphQLDirective;
exports.isGraphQLEnum = isGraphQLEnum;
exports.isGraphQLEnumExtension = isGraphQLEnumExtension;
exports.isGraphQLInputType = isGraphQLInputType;
exports.isGraphQLInputTypeExtension = isGraphQLInputTypeExtension;
exports.isGraphQLInterface = isGraphQLInterface;
exports.isGraphQLInterfaceExtension = isGraphQLInterfaceExtension;
exports.isGraphQLScalar = isGraphQLScalar;
exports.isGraphQLScalarExtension = isGraphQLScalarExtension;
exports.isGraphQLType = isGraphQLType;
exports.isGraphQLTypeExtension = isGraphQLTypeExtension;
exports.isGraphQLUnion = isGraphQLUnion;
exports.isGraphQLUnionExtension = isGraphQLUnionExtension;
exports.isListTypeNode = isListTypeNode;
exports.isNonNullTypeNode = isNonNullTypeNode;
exports.isSchemaDefinition = isSchemaDefinition;
exports.isSourceTypes = isSourceTypes;
exports.isStringTypes = isStringTypes;
exports.isWrappingTypeNode = isWrappingTypeNode;
exports.mergeArguments = mergeArguments;
exports.mergeDirective = mergeDirective;
exports.mergeDirectives = mergeDirectives;
exports.mergeEnum = mergeEnum;
exports.mergeEnumValues = mergeEnumValues;
exports.mergeExtensions = mergeExtensions;
exports.mergeFields = mergeFields;
exports.mergeGraphQLNodes = mergeGraphQLNodes;
exports.mergeGraphQLTypes = mergeGraphQLTypes;
exports.mergeInputType = mergeInputType;
exports.mergeInterface = mergeInterface;
exports.mergeNamedTypeArray = mergeNamedTypeArray;
exports.mergeResolvers = mergeResolvers;
exports.mergeScalar = mergeScalar;
exports.mergeSchemas = mergeSchemas;
exports.mergeSchemasAsync = mergeSchemasAsync;
exports.mergeType = mergeType;
exports.mergeTypeDefs = mergeTypeDefs;
exports.mergeUnion = mergeUnion;
exports.printComment = printComment;
exports.printTypeNode = printTypeNode;
exports.printWithComments = printWithComments;
exports.pushComment = pushComment;
exports.resetComments = resetComments;
exports.travelSchemaPossibleExtensions = travelSchemaPossibleExtensions;