# Zdam Egzamin Zawodowy ![Screenshot](/screenshots/homescreen.jpg?raw=true) A mobile app for practising the theoretical part of the [vocational exam](https://cke.gov.pl/en/vocational-examination/). ## Development ### Prerequisites 1. Node.JS 2. yarn 3. [JDK and Android Studio](https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup) ### Installation 1. Clone this repo ``` git clone git@github.com:zdam-egzamin-zawodowy/mobile-app.git ``` 2. Open the folder with this project in a terminal. 3. `yarn install` 4. `yarn run android` (iOS isn't supported) ### Firebase (Analytics and Crashlytics) Create a new firebase project and add the app `com.dawidwysokinski.zdamegzaminzawodowy`, then download the `google-services.json` file and place it at the following location: `/android/app/google-services.json`. ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information. ## Contact Dawid WysokiƄski - [contact@dwysokinski.me](mailto:contact@dwysokinski.me)