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# gRPC - demo
## How to run it locally?
- Go 1.19+
- [protoc](
- Go plugins for the protocol compiler:
- ``go install``
- ``go install``
1. Clone this repo.
2. ``cd ./grpc-demo``
3. Run ``go generate ./...``.
4. Compile and execute the server code - ``go run ./cmd/server/main.go``.
5. From a different terminal, compile and execute the client code - ``go run ./cmd/client/main.go -example unary``.
### Client - available examples
1. **unary** - example of the simplest type of RPC where the client sends a single request and gets back a single
response. It's the default one.
2. **server** - example of server streaming RPC.
3. **client** - example of client streaming RPC.
4. **bidirectional** - example of bidirectional streaming RPC.
5. **james** - SayHelloToJames without error
6. **jameserror** - error handling