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woodpecker_user Data Source - terraform-provider-woodpecker Use this data source to retrieve information about a user.

woodpecker_user (Data Source)

Use this data source to retrieve information about a user.

Example Usage

# Retrieve information about the currently authenticated user.
data "woodpecker_user" "current" {
  login = ""

# Retrieve information about a user.
data "woodpecker_user" "user" {
  login = "user"



  • login (String) The user's login. Use an empty string "" to retrieve information about the currently authenticated user.


  • avatar_url (String) the user's avatar URL
  • email (String) the user's email
  • id (Number) the user's id
  • is_active (Boolean) whether user is active in the system
  • is_admin (Boolean) whether user is an admin