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# unixify [![NPM version](]( [![NPM monthly downloads](]( [![Linux Build Status](](
> Convert Windows file paths to unix paths.
## Install
Install with [npm](
$ npm install --save unixify
Install with [yarn](
$ yarn add unixify
## Usage
var unixify = require('unixify');
unixify(filepath[, stripTrailingSlash]);
**Strips leading drive letters and dot-slash (`./`)**
unixify('.\\one\\two\\three'); //=> 'one/two/three'
unixify('./one/two/three'); //=> 'one/two/three'
unixify('C:\\one\\two\\three'); //=> '/one/two/three'
unixify('\\one\\two\\three'); //=> '/one/two/three'
**Normalizes path separators to forward slashes**
unixify('one\\two\\three'); //=> 'one/two/three'
unixify('\\one\\two\\three'); //=> '/one/two/three'
unixify('C:\\one\\two\\three'); //=> '/one/two/three'
**Combines multiple consecutive slashes**
unixify('one//two//////three'), //=> 'one/two/three'
unixify('\\one\\two\\//three'); //=> '/one/two/three'
unixify('C:\\//one\\two\\//three'); //=> '/one/two/three'
**Strips trailing slashes by default**
unixify('one//two//////three//'), //=> 'one/two/three'
unixify('C:\\one\\two\\three\\'); //=> '/one/two/three'
**Keep trailing slashes**
By passing `false` as the second argument
unixify('one//two//////three//'), //=> 'one/two/three/'
unixify('C:\\one\\two\\three\\'); //=> '/one/two/three/'
## About
### Related projects
* [contains-path]( Return true if a file path contains the given path. | [homepage]( "Return true if a file path contains the given path.")
* [ends-with]( Returns `true` if the given `string` or `array` ends with `suffix` using strict equality for… [more]( | [homepage]( "Returns `true` if the given `string` or `array` ends with `suffix` using strict equality for comparisons.")
* [is-absolute]( Polyfill for node.js `path.isAbolute`. Returns true if a file path is absolute. | [homepage]( "Polyfill for node.js `path.isAbolute`. Returns true if a file path is absolute.")
* [normalize-path]( Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes. Also condenses repeat slashes to a… [more]( | [homepage]( "Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes. Also condenses repeat slashes to a single slash and removes and trailing slashes unless disabled.")
* [path-ends-with]( Return `true` if a file path ends with the given string/suffix. | [homepage]( "Return `true` if a file path ends with the given string/suffix.")
### Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
### Building docs
_(This project's is generated by [verb](, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template.)_
To generate the readme, run the following command:
$ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb
### Running tests
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
$ npm install && npm test
### Author
**Jon Schlinkert**
* [github/jonschlinkert](
* [twitter/jonschlinkert](
### License
Copyright © 2017, [Jon Schlinkert](
Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.5.0, on April 14, 2017._